
Dog Adaption Princess Akira has dreamed endlessly of her forever kingdom

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Akira is a stunning 5 month old female indie puppy with a beautiful soft and unique fur coat. She loves cuddling and will curl up in your arms and snooze. These naps keep up her sprightly and vivacious nature, as she spends hours frolicking around and chasing her siblings in play. Akira and her siblings were separated from their mother at a very early age when their mother fell extremely ill with a mammary tumor. Her mother recovered but has rejected the litter, leaving Akira and her siblings defenceless. Akira currently lives in a dangerous area on the side of the highway, with speeding cars and several territorial adult dogs prowling the area. Additionally, one of Akira’s siblings was apparently stoned to death a few days ago by a drunk man. Akira's chances of survival here are poor, and she needs a loving home to call her own, so she can receive the nourishment and love she needs to grow happily and healthily. Akira has been dewormed and her vaccinations are up to date. She is in perfect health. Many people are biased against adopting females in fear of the "mess" with the cycles or chance of unwanted pregnancies. Our adoption contract mandates that all our dogs must be sterilized, so there's really no difference at all post that. We understand that many people may worry about the costs and pros/cons of sterilisation but please understand that it's a one-time expense and is not harmful to your dog. Do look up the health benefits of the procedure. To welcome our pretty girl Akira into your family, please fill out the adoption form linked below, clearly mentioning in the last question that you’re interested in adopting AKIRA. Following that, please immediately send a message to the number provided below. Adoption form link: Contact number: 8826289111 (WhatsApp/Text only) Your one share could help princess Akira find her forever kingdom! Photography credits : Malvika and Donna, Isha Pareek


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