When the sun isn't as harsh, pet owners are advised to walk their furry companions earlier in the day or later in the evening.
Pavement and park paths are not recommended for walking your pet because their paws can be burned.
Without air conditioning, your dog could die if left in a car. So, Proctor-Cross says to never leave your pet in a car without air conditioning.
Also Read | Protect your pet from excessive heat
Heat stroke is characterized by heavy panting, glazed eyes, and lack of coordination. The Humane Society of America recommends watching for these signs.
In addition to providing water to pets regardless of whether they are indoors or outdoors, the welfare group warns that you should make up a batch of homemade "pupcicles" to keep them cool from the inside out.
According to Proctor-Cross, it is also advisable to replace water that has been in direct sunlight, which can reach 90 degrees or higher.
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TAGS: pets,heat,tips to keep pets safe in the summer,such as keeping pets cool in the heat,heat and pets,how to keep pets safe in hot weather,safety,how to keep pets safe in summer,heat safety,keeping pets safe,keep pets safe,pet summer heat safety,extreme heat,keep your pets safe,heat wave pets,pets heat and toxins,keeping pets safe during extre,how to keep your pets safe,heat stroke in dogs,summer safety for pets,pet activities in the summer
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